Monday, 16 July 2012

A huge thank you!

We would like to thank everyone who has helped to make HLG 2012 happen. The list is long and includes the HLG Committee, the HLG CPD Panel, SHSC Events, Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow City Council, The Office of the Lord Provost of Glasgow, all the volunteers who helped to chair sessions, all the speakers, all those who submitted abstracts that we were unable to fit into the programme, all those displaying posters, all the sponsors and exhibitors (especially Wolters Kluwer Ovid as overall conference sponsor) and finally everyone who came to the event.

We hope that you had an enjoyable time and that it was useful to you personally and professionally. Please complete the feedback form that has been emailed out to attendees, and let us know how this event has changed the way you work and allowed you to demonstrate your importance to your organisations more clearly.