Monday 16 July 2012

A huge thank you!

We would like to thank everyone who has helped to make HLG 2012 happen. The list is long and includes the HLG Committee, the HLG CPD Panel, SHSC Events, Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow City Council, The Office of the Lord Provost of Glasgow, all the volunteers who helped to chair sessions, all the speakers, all those who submitted abstracts that we were unable to fit into the programme, all those displaying posters, all the sponsors and exhibitors (especially Wolters Kluwer Ovid as overall conference sponsor) and finally everyone who came to the event.

We hope that you had an enjoyable time and that it was useful to you personally and professionally. Please complete the feedback form that has been emailed out to attendees, and let us know how this event has changed the way you work and allowed you to demonstrate your importance to your organisations more clearly.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Day 2 to start earlier

The conference programme on Friday 13th July (day 2) will now start 15 minutes earlier than originally announced. The programme now starts at 9.15am when Professor Peter Reid, President of CILIP in Scotland, will give a keynote address after which the 2012 Bishop and LeFanu Memorial Lecture will be given by Dr Yannis Pitsiladis, of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

An additional 5 minutes has also been allocated to the morning break following which timings are as previously announced.

Please note that timings on day 1 (Thursday 12th July) have not changed at all.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Sage to sponsor best poster award

HLG and Sage are delighted to announce that HLG 2012 will feature a "Best poster award". Voting will be done by delegates over the course of the 2 days of the conference with the winner being announced at the end of the conference. The winner will also be presented with a certificate and a voucher for £250 towards attendance at a health conference of their choice. More information will be available in the conference delegate packs and we are grateful to Sage for their support.

Monday 12 March 2012

Booking now open!

Booking for the 2012 HLG Conference is now open. To book your place, follow the links on the conference website:

Delegates will also need to book accommodation and there is also a link available to where you can book hotels with special rates through Glasgow City Marketing Bureau.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Sponsorship opportunities

Information on the various sponsorship opportunities and the conference exhibition available at HLG 2012 have been added to the conference website. For more information, visit:

Friday 23 September 2011

Venue confirmed and dates changed

The 2012 HLG Conference will take place at the Glasgow Science Centre. This is a wonderful venue in Glasgow City Centre. We have also decided to change the dates slightly from those originally announced, so the conference will now take place on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th July 2012.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

A call for abstracts

You can now submit abstracts for inclusion on the HLG 2012 programme. This time the only way that you can submit abstracts is by using the web form at

The deadline is Wednesday 30th November 2011 or when we have received 100 abstracts whichever is sooner, and we aim to let you know whether you have been included in the programme by the end of 2011.

The theme for the conference is: Health libraries under the microscope: perfecting your formula

While we are interested in abstracts on any subject, we are suggesting the following 4 strands:

Anatomy of evidence-based practice
Biology of library and information services
Chemistry of collaboration and networking
Physics of information technology use